Holly Bastin with her small Origami Dripper

Brewing with Holly Bastin, Roast Ratings (co- owner & founder) & Coffee is People (owner)

Holly has been in coffee since 1999, starting in her hometown of Kansas City. At this point, she has been in coffee for more years of her life now than not! Holly believes that there is no one way to brew coffee “best,” but rather that we now have a multitude of options to fit anyone's preference. Using as few tools as possible, her favorite approach to brewing is one that is versatile, instinctive, and easy for anyone to do!

IG: @roastratings @coffeeispeople


Fugi Station, Ikizere Women, Rwanda, Natural

Roasted by Little Waves Coffee Roasters, Durham, NC


Ratio: 1:14 brew & about 1:1 dilution/bypass (20g coffee: 280g water)

Medium (particles are roughly the same as hand milled salt)

Water Temp: 200 F ( 30-45 seconds off boil)
